Friday, November 20, 2009

The new shop, The Cat and Crow, is getting to be more fun everyday, usually when something unexpected happens.  It might be a local llama farmer stopping by to see if we want yarn that they've had made (we do!), or a woman dropping off her gorgeous naturally dyed yarns.  

This week we got interesting and beautiful handmade baskets from Juliana Clausen, including a very clever design suggested by our good friend, Jo Winkler-Bley, that can be hung near your favorite knitting chair, and has a hole in the bottom through which your yarn can run.  

Our favorite new yarn might just be a bulky weight 60% alpaca, 40% merino yarn from Angel's Kiss.  It is soooo soft, lofty, and felts fabulously!

We also got a shipment of 'Winnifred's Washable', from Farmhouse Yarns, which is dyed with the usual expertise of Farmhouse Yarns in bright vibrant colors that would be perfect for baby items. It is 55% Merino, and 45% acrylic and feels like Merino;  she chose this yarn after comparing the environmental impact of making wool washable to the impact of acrylic manufacture. It costs $22.00 for 450 yards.  Come in and see, and touch!

On the day after Thanksgiving, we are having a 'shop and craft' event, where for $5.00, you can create a small gift or ornament by knitting, needle or wet felting,  or felting over soap.  
We will have something for everyone!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yarn shop in Mt. Horeb

On October 3rd, a friend and I will be opening a new yarn and fiber shop in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.
The Cat and Crow is its name, and our mission is to provide an outlet for locally produced yarn and fibers, offer classes in knitting, crochet, spinning, dyeing, and felting, as well as being a gathering place for fiber artists of all levels.

Our address is 205 E Main St. Mt. Horeb, WI 53572. E-mail us at, or call us at 608.437.1771.

We hope to see many new faces, and lots of old friends there!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yarn shares on the way!

We are thrilled to announce that yarn shares will be available for sale beginning in September!

We loved the CSA model for getting fiber from our farm to end users directly, and wanted to expand what we could offer; in addition to gorgeous roving we will be offering shares for yarn.

Our wool clip this year looks great, and currently some is off being spun into a heathered grey worsted weight that I will over-dye. The yarn shares will include both solid colors and hand painted, as well as a bit of hand-spun. The details are still to be worked out, and full information will be posted here soon.